Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 3 - Footer and Foundation Forms! Fantastic!

Yesterday was a beautiful day!  But...nothing happened with our house.  A trip out to the lot today yielded a much more exciting outcome.   A wooden canal snaked around the inside perimeter of our house hole and rebar lay within ready to turn into the foundation of our home.  So crazy to look at these boards and feel so much reverence and affection knowing that they will be witness to our family growing up, to birthdays and graduations,  to our retirement, to our future grandchildren, to the creation of so many memories!   Sappiness aside, here are the pictures!

View from atop a dirt pile.
Another view from above. This one includes the garage.

Close up of the footer forms.
A view from the back corner.

The foundation forms!

Our dream really is taking form right before our eyes!  

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